Growing up my mother would often say to me, "I hope you have a child who...". She was mostly referring to my whining and how great it would be to see me suffering from the fate that I had inflicted upon her. Was this a curse?

No, my son is not a 'whiner' but he is quite challenging in any and all other ways. I wish he had come with a manual so I knew exactly what to do... say... And the right time to do both.

We used to b a team. 'Partners' was his word for us. We were all each other had... All we needed. We were inseparable. I was his world and he was mine. When asked how he got so handsome he'd reply, "My mommy made me that way." Is this the answer to all my questions? Maybe it is I who has made him the smart, disrespectful, handsome, selfish, funny, stubborn person with the biggest heart I know. A younger version of me. After all, he is my soul... my very being. Without him I am lost.

Come home, please... Come home.

6/5/2013 08:02:16 am

As I read this, I thought of my son. He is 5 and he is all I have in this world that matters. The way you wrote about all his positive and negative qualities at the same time was beautifully ironic and a mirror to the feelings I have about my own son. I think about your situation and I hope that things work out for the best. I can't imagine your pain right now. Thanks for sharing this with me.

6/5/2013 11:07:22 am

Thank you Erin...this post reminds me of what my momma still tells me to this day..."If you ever have kids they are going to 10x as bad as you were, so get ready." Of course I respond with silence every time because my mother could actually be right. That's scary because I know how I was a I can only imagine.
Erin your son will come home and things will work out... with time :)


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    I am a first grade teacher @ Glenn Marshall Elementary. Weebly is new to me... wish me luck!! :)


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